Have you walked into a gym or physcal therapy office to see people rolling on this piece of foam? Or are you one that has joined the fad? If so, why?
Self Myo-Fascial Release, SMR, is a flexibility technique used to release overactive muscles. The external pressure of The Foam Roll stimulates receptors located in your muscle tissue to relax. After a difficult work out, sitting for a long period of time, or even sleeping in a strange position can put your muscles in this tight/protective position. SMR helps to let the body know it is okay to let go and relax. Michael Boyle speaks of foam rolling as, "the poor man's massage therapist, soft tissue work for the masses" in his book, Advances in Functional Training.
What's the correct way to foam roll?
Think of your muscle as long band with a knot in it, also known as a trigger point. Use your body weight to apply pressure to the muscle knot, it allows the muscle to lenghten and stretch. Usually about ten slow rolls in each position will suffice, or roll until it feels good.
Tight hamstrings are common for many people and foam rolling can help. Sit on the floor and place the foam roller behind your thighs. Putting your hands on the floor and lifting your hips, begin rolling from the top of your thigh to just above the back of your knee.
Next, sitting on top of the foam roller and tilting to one side, continue rolling forward and back, this will hit the glute maximus. Then cross the effected leg onto the other and this will work the hip rotator muscles.
Finish by placing the roller behind your mid back, put your hands behind your head and roll from the top of your shoulders to you to just below your rib cage. Be careful not to go to far down as the low back can be a very sensitive area.
Foam rolling is great before exercise as a warmup and afterward it can help with the recovery process, along with static stretching. It's a simple way to take care of your muscles and get the most out of them. Everyone's body is different, so if you find some tight spots be sure to give them a little more love.
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